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Meeting with Ms. Marie Heidie Dietel


On 22 October 2016, Velvet CARE Factory in Klucze hosted an exceptional guest, Ms. Marie Heidie Dietel, the great-granddaughter of Ludwig Mauve (1840 – 1915), the founder of the Klucze paper mill in 1896. The visit was a part of the celebrations related to the unveiling of a commemorative obelisk in honour of this outstanding entrepreneur, former owner of the Klucze lands between 1887 and 1915.

The meeting with Marek Sciążko (Deputy President) and Alina Brodzińska (Production Manager) was also attended by Ms. Heidie’s husband, Horst Waschke, and representatives of the “Ziemia Kluczewska” Association, as well as member of the local tourist association. Guests were greatly interested in the production plant and expressed their satisfaction with the dynamic development of Velvet CARE in the recent years (new processing production line, modern warehouse in Klucze and historical investments in an ultra-modern paper machine). Ms. Heidie, who lives in Germany, recollected certain facts from the pre-war history of the plant, known to her from accounts of her parents and family, as she left Klucze in 1945 when she was just a few years’ old.

After the meeting and a visit at the production division in the company of representatives of local and provincial authorities, MPs, parish priest and numerous residents, the obelisk was ceremoniously unveiled.

As Velvet CARE we are proud of being the successful continuators of the work commenced almost 120 years ago by Ludwig Mauve.